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Friday, April 12, 2013
Malanding Pussy
In Slow Cooking Heat
I celebrated my birthday in slow cooking heat.
The thing with the heat thesedays,is that it's not like when you're at the beach, and you're in danger of the sun burning your skin, because it is aimed at you so acutely and in full blast, there is no time for my allergies to react to that. But this time, I noticed being submerged in my own heated space in a period of time, with the temperature slowly rising, and the air pressure slowly increasing.... It feels like you're skin is slowly broiled.
Broiled is an accuarte term to whatmy skin looks like at themoment. It's triggered one of my deeply hidden allergies I haven't confronted for years. Skin Asthma.
Worse, I tend to scratch it even in my sleep. I work at nights, you see, so I sleep during the day---yes, when the heat slowly cooks you until the afternoons.
I have even installed curtains, and--- well, inadvertedly tore off a door in my frustration against the heat.
It is unbearable, and an added stress to my already stressfull life. I really wish for rain, and I swear I will bathe in the first real outpour of rain.
They say, the prickly heat you earned all summer can be cured by the first rain of may, called la agua de mayo.
It also doesnt help that Solaris One has such a crappy airconditioning system. It is so hot, my allergies break out even at work.
Please Be Careful with my Heart
I don' t really follow this series that often, nor could I, because I work during the evenings, and sleep until noon. Apart from the fact I don't have a TV in my apartment because I consider TV a waste of time and electricity really. I had a TV once and I ended up hooked to some shows that I really hadn't slept much or gotten to work on time. TV is a BAD INFLUENCE.
When Please Be Careful with my Heart aired first time, the first impression I had was, "Dear God, not another kilig show," but I've noticed, a few points why I think it's a lot better than all of these other telenovelas.
All of these other Telenovelas and series feature twins separated from birth, then fighting each other, a trend so powerful even Darna and Valentina became twins at one time. The term is gasgas, and tired. The bulk of these shows do not make us laugh, but gather a lot of stress that we hate the antagonist too much. I was witness at one point when my mom's blood pressure shot up just by watching a very confronting scene from a telenovela.
Then these bastards switch to a commercial to ensure you of a heart attack.
We still have commercials on this show, but the values are eminent everyday. There are no vampires, no conglomerates taking over companies, no hateful siblings, no disasters, well not unlike the ones you and I experience aeryday in reality anyway. The most comforting part of it is that all of the characters love some other character in a way, whether it's family or a love interest. And the feeling of kilig it brings people is so much better than the stress of hating an arch rival...
Do you remember Katherine and Scarlett? How about Celina? Oh let's not forget Magkaribal's banters. They are pretty catchy, I loved playing these scenes on YouTube... But really, what message do these rivalries teach us? That it's posh to have an arch rival? That there are more ways to humiliate an opponent? That there isn't such a thing as forgiveness and letting go, unless your lease with the network is over and you have to end the series, and that always, the most satisfactory way of getting over a wrong doing is when the villain dies in the GORIEST, MOST VILE MANNER POSSIBLE.
Truly, that doesnt happen in real life either, you hate, you get an arch rival, yiu both grow old, you both have lives separate from each other, no matter how much you make each other miserable.
You really wanna make an arch rival miserable forever? You marry him. That will surely work.
Again, no arch rivals, not even an other woman, well, not yet, but I'm sure, there isn't any need for that following the plot. It is so family oriented, and values are shown everyday.
I like the fact that Maya's character is one that's strong willed, idustrious, yet she is NOT assuming. A lot of characters are a certain mix, charming, weak sometimes, unsure, torn... Maya knows what she wants, and thatenough is conflict, because just like you and me, she can be slightly torn when thinking about the people she loves, but there are no hysterics, no drama, no big shows... everything is just as they would be in real life.
I am not an expert, after all, I watch reruns of this show, or watch them from the web with my sister when I have time. But for a person who never watches TV or believes in most of the junk I watch on it, I highly recommend this fine gem of a show and hope some other network or producers catch on it and see how this type of thing can be better for everybody.