Yesterday I celebrated my 4th anniversary since my ex broke up with me. (the gory details have been the history of this blog, so I'll spare you the melodrama) Anyway, I decided I should CELEBRATE, instead of sulk.
You see, before that last break up, I was this naive, innocent, sweet little creature before the waaves of toruture and treachery killed me. Now, I do have reason to celebrate. I am stronger, wiser, and several times more vile than ever before. It's so good to be baaaad.
I LOVE being bad. Being "BAD" isn't necessarily a bad thing, really.
It's LIBERATION. It's Being free, being WHOM YOU REALLY ARE, AND NOT AFRAID of SPEAKING YOUR MIND. It is sexual liberation. It is BLISS. It is Catharrtic and pure. It is the bursting of little pinpoints of light in the darkness. It is creation and destruction.